Actia Multiaid Passwords

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Actia MultiAid is a licenced software tool that is used to program and diagnose the Actia Multiplex CAMU & IOU, Master & Slave system. Basic diagnostic is possible with the software but programming and parameter adjustment requires a password.


Alexander Dennis

  • Chassis - CAMU and Dashboard Graphics download (Euro 5+6) & Additional access rights to settings
  • Enviro 300 - CAMU and Dashboard Graphics download & Additional access rights to settings
  • Engdev - CAMU and Dashboard Graphics download & Additional access rights to settings
  • Falkirk - CAMU and Dashboard Graphics download & Additional access rights to settings


  • Excel - CAMU download for Excels & additional access rights to settings
  • Solo - CAMU download for Solos & additional access rights to settings
  • Versa - CAMU download for Versa and Metrocity & additional access rights to settings
  • Tempo - CAMU download for Tempo & additional access rights to settings


  • Plaxton - CAMU download for Panthers and Elites (Euro 6) & additional access rights to settings
  • Eastfield - B10M, B12B, B12M, Elite, Panther Chassis CAMU download & additional access rights to settings

Parameter Files

  • Alexander Dennis Enviro - After CAMU software installed, parameter file is also required to configure for use.